The main goal for this project will develop an understanding of the range of features and techniques used to make Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 effective to create a website for Kuching Design Week Festival 2011. Students will use the knowledge and understanding gained to inform the design and creation of a new website to meet the requirements of a client brief. Besides that, this project also will develop our skills in sourcing appropriate components for website. Using our creative skills, we will use a range of tools and techniques in the multimedia software to integrate and embed a range of components to produce the website. We will acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills required to test different aspects of website, evaluating their suitability for purpose and audience.
The first step in designing a successful website is to gather information. The certain points to consider for a website are the purposes, goals, target audience, and content of that web site. From the information I have gathered, the purpose of a Design Festival WebSite is to provide the information about the festival, photos, activities, events, time and location to public. The goals of the web site are sharing information about the Design Festival and attract people have particular reaction. The target audiences of this web site are students and creative interested, between 16 to 50 years old. The contents of Design Festival web site should giving related information and good to have some images.
Concept design
In my web design, basically the Kuching Design Week Festival website is a international website. The concept design of this Kuching Design Festival 2011 web site is simple and easy to use for visitors. From observation the principle of Less is More and The Role of Thirds, this web site is using simple color and simple font. The background color of this website is using white color to create emphasis of contents and texts. Besides that, I also using a trend mark of different rounded rectangles puzzle composition item at background design. To maintain the consistent of this web site, all of the navigation buttons are easy to recognize and setting at a same place for every web pages, so that the simple look and feel has been created and it is easy for users in this website.
In this stage, the site map of Kuching Design Festival 2011 was developed by using the information gathered. The site map is including Home page, About us page, Events page, Furniture design exhibition page, Electric vehicle exhibition page, Annual gathering page, Gallery page, Architecture gallery page, Interior design gallery page, Painting gallery page, Contact page and Sponsors page. Random structure has been used in navigation system so that users can go to the page what they want by simply click a button.
The Graphic User Interface of this web page was designed by using simple white color for the background of whole page. It is to avoid the web page look too crowded and making users focus to the contents and texts. At a same time, white space providing the resting point for users.
The logo of Kuching Design Festival 2011 was designed be a rounded rectangle shape. When the user select over the logo will change to black and grey color while the cursor rollover use to create gives attention to the user it is a button to return to home page.
The typeface is simply using Georgia front, serif make users easy to read on the screen. To maintain the consistency of web pages, all of the typefaces are using the serif font. Apart from that, a few texts are shows blue and underline effect are giving the interaction of hyperlink, when the user click it will link to another page.
The main navigation buttons were designed having arrow symbol to show they are clickable. To create a good interaction between users and the web site, the buttons will change color while the cursor rollover them.
Finally, the Kuching Design Week Festival 2011 website that is simple and easy to use. Web design is very interesting. In this project, I can learn a lot of knowledge about the website and how to creating a website.
Jeremy Osborn and Aquent Creative Team, (2009). Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Digital Classroom. Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Jason Beaird, (2007). The Principles of Beautiful Web Design. Australia: SitePoint Pty.Ltd.
Frank Thissen, (2004). Screen Design Manual, Communicating Effectively Through Multimedia. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Gary B. Shelly, H. Albert Napier, and Ollie Rivers, (2009). Web Design: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition. United States of America: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.
Jesse James Garrett, (2003). The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web. United States of America: New Riders.
S. Todd Stubbs, Karl Barksdale, and Patrick Crispen, (2000). Web Page Design. United States of America: South-Western Educational Publishing.
Zoe Mickley Gillenwater, (2009). Flexible Web Design: Creating Liquid and Elastic Layouts with CSS. United States of America: New Riders.
Liverpool Design Festival 2010. From: http://www.liverpooldesignfestival.com/calendar/
London Design Festival 2010. From: http://www.londondesignfestival.com/
W3school.com. From: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_examples.asp
Kuala Lumpur Design Week 2010 Festival. From: http://www.kualalumpurdesignweek.com.my/2010/index.php
Singapore Design Festival 2009. From : http://www.singaporedesignfestival.com/designfest09/
Sydney Design 2010. From: http://www.sydneydesign.com.au/2010/
DMY International Design Festival Berlin. From: http://dmy-berlin.com/en

About us page
Architecture gallery page
Website usability testing refers to how intuitively or easily website item is navigated and processed (flow, sequence, instructions, and download time). Besides that, this construct is the most inclusive of the three and is influenced by both visualization and functionality. Thus, web designer can improve the web page by the opinion of user. Usability testing can help create and maintain user friendly.
Regarding the Kuching Design Week Festival 2011 website usability testing, I have asked my housemates to serve my website. Overall, they understand the information given in the web page and know the content of the web site. From the front page they know what kind of web page they are viewing. Furthermore, they also like the layout design as elegance.
They are understands the navigation system and use the website well. There is a rollover with the button. Thus, user can find the button easily and click to search the section they want to view. They think that the layout of every web page is consistent and they didn’t get lost when using the website.
While, they also give a lot suggestion and command after they navigate the website. Those users hope the web page can improve can looks artistic but not too formal. Moreover, those especially recommended this website to function more effectively if the image at events and gallery can be saved or download and grow up to see it. Finally, those also decided this website will be more interactive and more interest if create icon or symbol of graphic design adds flash to show the motion of flexible to attract more users.
In conclusion, the users had accomplished a key task. They are satisfied with the website but the think that the website can be approve. Users feel relax when using the web site because they doesn't need to learn news systems and the website no need to experiment to use.